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Critical Thinking

When a student approaches a new situation or challenge, their ability to critically analyze and assess all information available to them, and their prior experience with similar scenarios will drive how the tackle the issue.  We want students who can not only identify the most appropriate answer, but also know where to look for information, what helps identify a valid source, and how to synthesize all the information to inform their choices.


Student Driven Portfolios

K -12 | Students can discuss, share work, gain feedback from teachers, peers and parents, and build a portfolio of their work through the grades.


Mind Map Builder

6 - 12 | Students can create large, responsive mindmaps and graphic organizers that help them organize their learning.


Deep Reading Practice

K - 12 | Scaffolded reading practice with integrated written response assessments to engage students understanding while reading.


Deepen Reading

3 - 12 | Teachers can assign students reading where they use tools to deep read a text, and  responding to questions embedded in the reading.


Interactive Video Lessons

K - 12 | Teacher can assign videos with embedded teacher comments, questions, and polls.


Maker Activities for All

K - 12 | Students can explore a variety experiments, projects, and maker activities, as well as add their own.


Compare Anything

6 - 12 | Students can enter any two words and visually compare and contrast the two items.


Search that Builds Concept Map

6 - 12 | Students can research a subject by exploring resources, videos, and information visually represented in a concept map.


Simple Mindmapping

6 - 12 | Students can build simple to complex concept maps with or without an account, as well as save concept maps directly to their GoogleDrive.


Instant resource website for easy sharing

K - 12 | Simple resource sharing tool with a look similar to Pinterest.


Lesson & web quest for easy resource sharing with students. 

K - 12 | Build user-friendly lessons that guide students through digital resources and assignments.


Let Google Keep your resources, notes and to-do list for you. 

3 - 12 | Simple sticky-note style research curation, note-taking, and project organization tool.

















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